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Writer's pictureHeidi Stedeford

This International Women’s Day, come and declare: ‘NO PERIOD SHAME HERE’

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

This International Women’s Day, come and declare: ‘NO PERIOD SHAME HERE’

Our new lockdown-friendly IWD campaign is about taking down patriarchal period shame, and raising vital pounds for the pad fund too.

Periods have long been shrouded in secrecy - swept under the metaphorical and collective carpet, not deemed appropriate for polite conversation, and as a result, turned into a source of shame. To tackle this, and to mark this year’s International Women’s Day on 8th March, we’re launching our ‘No Shame Here’ campaign.

BGP's new lockdown-friendly IWD campaign

“Not being able to talk about periods is a massive issue, for individuals and for all of us collectively as society,” says Gabby Edlin, Bloody Good Period’s founder and CEO. “If people feel so ashamed of menstruation that they can’t talk about it, they can’t access the support and information they need. They don’t know when something is wrong. They feel excluded for something that is completely normal and natural. That’s just not acceptable in 2021.”

The ‘No Shame Here’ campaign will encourage supporters to start period conversations and celebrate a lack of menstrual shame - for example, by not hiding away period products, or not shying away from menstruation as a topic of conversation. “Periods can be private of course, but never a source of shame,” says Gabby. “We want to encourage people to reject the shame that has been built up by advertising, by big manufacturers of period products with even bigger advertising budgets, and by a structurally sexist society.” The social media campaign will ask people to share and celebrate ‘no shame’ and if they can, to donate to help the charity continue getting period products to everyone who needs them.

Since the start of UK lockdown in March 2020, BGP has distributed over 66,000 packs of menstrual supplies to those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford or access them - a level of demand six times higher than pre-pandemic.“We’ve seen demand for products consistently increase throughout the last year, with no let-up in sight as Covid continues to bite,” says Gabby. “We expect 2021 to be our busiest year yet.”

To take part in the ‘No Shame Here’ campaign….

★ Post an Insta pic or vid of you that shows your zero shame approach to menstruation. Maybe it’s you and your fave period pants, your tampons on display next to your beauty products, or just your best fierce selfie expression

★ OR repost one of our #NoShameHere pieces of art - you can find them all here, or on our social media around International Women’s Day. Or all of ‘em if you like!

★ Tag #NoShameHere and invite your mates to join the movement too with a tag

★ If you can, donate a fiver to BGP. You can do that direct on Facebook and Insta, or head to our website.

★ Your £ will help us get period products to those who can’t afford or access them, as well as do more to take down the patriarchal period-related shame that has existed for way too long.

#NoShameHere Art by Henny Shaw
#NoShameHere Art by Lucy Britton

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